Lifestyle Product Photography for Uppercase — Christina Elyse
Raleigh Portrait Photographer for Creative Small Businesses

Lifestyle Product Photography for Uppercase

You know how people have a go to comfort food? Well, my go to comfort is reading young adult fiction. So when I had the opportunity to do lifestyle product photography for a book subscription box, I had a hard time trying NOT to read on the job!
Uppercase is a young adult book subscription box company started by Lisa Parkin, the blogger behind Read Breathe Relax, a young adult book review blog. I was beyond thrilled when Lisa wanted to work with me and mentioned that she wanted photos of her subscription box items to be styled in a way that reflected a vintage, natural look, much like the style of Rifle Paper Co.

As a huge fan and follower of all things Rifle, I couldn't wait to get started. I loved shooting for Lisa's new business and had so much fun using natural elements like flowers (arranged by my husband with help from our dog, Chester!) and cups of coffee (because we all know that's the perfect thing to pair with a good book) with her books, packaging, and bookish gift items.

An Interview with Lisa Parkin, founder and boss lady of Uppercase

It's so incredible to get an inside look in how these subscription boxes work, and it's hard to believe that this amazing concept is run by one woman who does it so well! I love seeing how much her business has grown, so I asked Lisa to share some of her business story and experience with you all. 

// On What Inspired Lisa to Start Uppercase

Lisa: I've been blogging about young adult books for about four years, and I'm constantly asked what books I would recommend if someone liked "this book." As I saw the subscription box business model continue to grow and thrive, I thought - what if there was a box for YA books? And, that idea led me to start Uppercase. There is nothing I love more than helping people find books they'll love.

// On Biggest Entrepreneurial Hurdles

Lisa: I didn't study business in school, so everything I know is based on things I've learned through trial and error and through business books. But I believe passion, the will to succeed and real-life experience are great teachers.

Other business-side hurdles include being everything to everyone. As one person, I do the marketing, accounting, customer service, box assembly and social media posting. It's certainly a lot to manage!

// On Entrepreneurial Successes

Lisa: It sounds like a small thing, but seeing my business grow every month is the greatest success. Every day that new people subscribe and get excited about books confirms that I'm where I need to be, doing what I need to be doing.

// On Starting an Online Business

Lisa: I would advise anyone with an online business idea to do your homework first. What are the costs? What are your first, second and five year goals? What does the market look like for the product/service you want to provide? 

I would also suggest following the lean start up model. This ensures the questions I listed above are answered and then some.

Knowing Lisa is also a successful blogger, I asked her how blogging has helped her professionally, and I felt her response is so true in the blogging and small business world:

// Jot this Down

Blogging has shown me that results don't happen overnight. Because we hear about the latest Kickstarter success or new million-dollar-earning app we think that real success happens quickly. It doesn't.  After blogging for four years, I've seen hard work pay off over time. In business, that's a lesson to take to the bank.

I had such a great time working on this project for Lisa. If you've taken the leap and started a creative small business, you probably understand the value of great product photography. I'd love for you to read a little more about my lifestyle product photography and portrait services for creatives

If you're a young adult fiction nerd just like me, you can get a book and one bookish item (Marauder Map Christmas ornament anyone??) delivered to your doorstep monthly over at Uppercase. OR if you want the skinny on a book before you buy, head over to Lisa's blog, Read Breathe Relax.

// Questions

  • Are you thinking of starting an online business? If so, why?
  • Who else LOVES reading young adult fiction? I KNOW I'm not the only one!